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California’s First Surgeon General on Covid: ‘Greatest Collective Trauma’ of a Generation

California’s First Surgeon General on Covid: ‘Greatest Collective Trauma’ of a Generation

When Dr. Nadine Burke Harris was first appointed California Surgeon General, she set out to address the toxic stress and trauma plaguing the state’s most vulnerable residents. Then the pandemic hit. Suddenly, she found herself having to guide millions through statewide shutdowns, and persuade scared, skeptical Californians to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and wear masks to prevent the virus’ spread.

Precision Medicine Advisory Council’s Public Winter Meeting

On Friday, February 18, Acting California Surgeon General, Dr. Devika Bhushan, participated in the California Precision Medicine Advisory Council’s public winter meeting. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research launched the California Initiative to Advance Precision Medicine (CIAPM) in 2015 to support collaborative precision medicine research and foster partnerships between the state, researchers, patients, communities, and industry.

The Pandemic Has Taken a Big Toll on the Mental Health of Children

COVID Is Driving a Children’s Mental Health Emergency

When COVID shut down life as usual in the spring of 2020, most physicians in the U.S. focused on the immediate physical dangers from the novel coronavirus. But soon pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris began thinking of COVID’s longer-term emotional damage and those who would be especially vulnerable: children. “The pandemic is a massive stressor,” explains Burke Harris, who is California’s surgeon general. “Then you have kids at home from school, economic hardship, and folks not being able to socialize.”

Rescuing our kids from Covid trauma is vital for healing America

This op-ed originally appeared on Opinion by Nadine Burke Harris Now that the Pfizer vaccines have been authorized for emergency use in children ages 5 to 11, I, like so many parents across the US, am breathing a sigh of relief that my little ones can finally...

ACEs Equity Act Expands ACE Screenings Beyond MediCal Population

ACEs Equity Act Expands ACE Screenings Beyond MediCal Population

“Thank you Governor Newsom and the California Legislature for enacting SB 428, the ACEs Equity Act, which will significantly expand coverage for ACE screening. There couldn’t be a more important time to enact this legislation. The pandemic has given us an opportunity to build back healthier and get that much closer to reaching our goal of cutting ACEs and toxic stress in half by a generation.”

Roadmap for Resilience: California Surgeon General’s Report

Roadmap for Resilience: California Surgeon General’s Report

Roadmap for Resilience serves as a blueprint for how communities, states, and nations can recognize and effectively address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress as a root cause to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive...

Nadine Burke Harris: What Your Childhood Means for Your Health

Nadine Burke Harris: What Your Childhood Means for Your Health

Can trauma you experienced as a kid still affect you now? What about the traumatic experiences of our parents and grandparents? Is there a way to undo what California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris calls the “toxic stress response”? Listen in to learn more.
