Why is this important?
ACEs are very common and are not unique or pervasive among one particular community. Per 2011-2017 data, California adults have experienced:

Exposure to ACEs or other adversity, without the buffering and nurturing care, can lead to the toxic stress response, which if left unaddressed can cause major short-term and long-term health problems for both children and adults. The more ACEs, the greater the chances of toxic stress.
Our Key Audiences

How We’re Engaging Californians
To develop this campaign, we have been holding a series of listening sessions with diverse youth and young adults, parents and caregivers, and community partners across the state, many of whom have been personally impacted by ACEs and toxic stress. We’ve asked them about their awareness and knowledge of ACEs and toxic stress, how they talk about these topics in their community, and what they want to see, feel, and learn from this campaign for it to have a lasting impact.
Our audiences have told us they want this campaign to make them feel hopeful, safe, relieved, deserving, supported, and understood – and ultimately, motivate them to begin their own unique journey towards healing.
Latest Updates

New Report Highlights Youth and Caregiver Insights on ACEs & Toxic Stress
The Listening Sessions Summary Report compiles learnings from seven listening sessions that were held with youth & young adults, and parents/caregivers to inform The Office of the California Surgeon General’s ACEs and Toxic Stress Campaign. Some of the insights included individuals’ knowledge and perceptions of ACEs & toxic stress and creative preferences such as overall look and feel, resources, messaging, etc.

ACEs & Toxic Stress Landscape Report
As one of multiple methods to inform the development of the ACEs Public Awareness Campaign, this research report was developed to collect best practices, learn how Californians are discussing topics related to ACEs and toxic stress and help identify how our campaign can build on existing best practices throughout the state.
Meet Our Subject Matter Experts
Cecilia Ayón
Eraka P. Bath
John R. Blosnich
Nadine Burke Harris
Michele Evans
Rachel Gilgoff
Mikah Owen
Leigh Ann Simmons
Meet our Youth and Young Adult Advisory Council

Baani Sabharwal

Celeste Walley

Celina Inzunza

Christian Jeff Yu Menguito

CiCi Williams

Elita Jasmine Young

Jada Imani Carter

Jose Cruz

Josue (Swey) Pineda

Julio Sagastume

Laura Avila

Luis Wualdemar Tun Orozco

Nancy Martinez Urieta

Ronaldo (Ronnie) Villeda

Ronnie Kuznicki-Mejia

Setareh Harsamizadeh Tehrani

Shae Dellamaggiore

Shamar Knox

Sharon Tang
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